Sabtu, Desember 05, 2015

Jurnal-ku: Minggu: CDXXXV (11.2015)

Senin, 23 November 2015 | 11 Safar 1437
[Rusid 602 BPKLN C-6: 07.30-08.15] Mengikuti kursus "English Correspondent" bersama pegawai BPKLN.
[Desk Subbag Informasi KEP: 09.00-11.00] Menyusun Laporan Penyusunan Profil Pengarusutamaan Gender (PUG) di Kemdikbud tahun 2015.
[Rusid Ses Menko Polhukam: 13.00-14.15] Mewakili pimpinan dalam rapat koordinasi "Kontra Radikalisasi terhadap Santri".
[Desk Subbag Informasi KEP: 15.00-18.00] Menyusun Laporan rapat koordinasi "Kontra Radikalisasi terhadap Santri".

Selasa, 24 November 2015 | 12 Safar 1437
[Desk Subbag Informasi KEP: 07.30-10.00] Menyiapkan data dan informasi untuk "Asia-Pacific Meeting for Education 2030" di Bangkok.
[Kantor Konsuler, Kemlu RI: 10.30-15.30] Mengurus Paspor Dinas dan Exit Permit untuk penugasan di "Asia-Pacific Meeting for Education 2030" di UNESCO HQ Bangkok.

Rabu, 25 November 2015 | 13 Safar 1437
[Garuda Indonesia #GA866: 09.40-13.10] Penerbangan dari Terminal 2E Bandara Antarbangsa Soekarno-Hatta Cengkareng (CGK) ke Bandara Antarbangsa Suvarnabhumi Bangkok, Thailand (BKK).
[Skylight Suite #2, Anantara Suthorn Bangkok 36th Floor: 15.10-16.40] Mengikuti Sesi #4 Diskusi Kelompok Paralel di Kelompok South-East-Asia (Insular*) membahas: "Toward Implementation: Examining the implication, opportunities and challenges of the new education agenda." | *Filipina, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, dan Timor Leste.
[Sathorn #1, Anantara Suthorn Bangkok Mezzanine-Floor: 15.10-16.40] Mengikuti Sesi #5 Plenary: Laporan dari Sesi #4 Diskusi Kelompok Paralel: "Toward Implementation: Examining the implication, opportunities and challenges of the new education agenda".

Kamis, 26 November 2015 | 14 Safar 1437
[Sathorn #1, Anantara Suthorn Bangkok Mezzanine-Floor: 08.30-09.45] Mengikuti Sesi #6 Plenary: "Understanding the thematic monitoring framework and the 43 indicators".
[Sathorn #1, Anantara Suthorn Bangkok Mezzanine-Floor: 10.15-11.45] Mengikuti Sesi #7 Plenary: "Mapping the availability of data to monitor Education 2030 in Asia-Pacific".
[Skylight Suite #2, Anantara Suthorn Bangkok 36th Floor: 12.00-13.00] Mengikuti Sesi #8 Diskusi Kelompok Paralel di Kelompok South-East-Asia (Insular) membahas: "Mapping the availability of data to monitor Education 2030 in Asia-Pacific".
[Sathorn #1, Anantara Suthorn Bangkok Mezzanine-Floor: 16.00-17.00] Mengikuti Sesi #11 Plenary: "Collective efforts in monitoring Education 2030: Regional stakeholders' coordination" > 1) UIS new initiative for monitoring Education 2030 and enhanced regional collaboration, 2) Data challenges in SIDS, monitoring Education 2030 in Pacific countries, the importance of regional collaboration, 3) Network on Education Quality Monitoring in Asia-Pacific (NECMAP), dan 4) Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metric (SEA-PLM).
[Sathorn #1, Anantara Suthorn Bangkok Mezzanine-Floor: 17.00-17.15] Mengikuti Sesi #12 Plenary: "Integrating Education 2030 in education planning at the country level: identifying and meeting the capacity develeopment challenge". 
[Skylight Suite #2, Anantara Suthorn Bangkok 36th Floor: 17.30-18.30] Mengikuti Sesi #13 Diskusi Kelompok Paralel di Kelompok South-East-Asia (Insular) membahas: "Integrating Education 2030 in education planning at the country level: identifying and meeting the capacity develeopment challenge".

Jum'at, 27 November 2015 | 15 Safar 1437
[Sathorn #1, Anantara Suthorn Bangkok Mezzanine-Floor: 08.30-09.00] Mengikuti Sesi #14 Plenary: Rekapitulasi/Pelaporan hari ke #2: 1) "Next steps for monitoring Education 2030" dan 2) "Report Back from Session #12-13".
[Sathorn #1, Anantara Suthorn Bangkok Mezzanine-Floor: 09.00-10.20] Mengikuti Sesi #15 Plenary: "Implementation Modalities and Global and Regional Coordination Mechanisms: 1) "Global Coordination Mechanisms" dan 2) "Finding of the Assessment of the EFA Architecture in Asia-Pacific."
[Sathorn #1, Anantara Suthorn Bangkok Mezzanine-Floor: 10.50-12.00] Mengikuti Sesi #16 Diskusi Panel: "The role of regional/sub-regional bodies in implementing Education 2030 in Asia-Pacific."
[Sathorn #1, Anantara Suthorn Bangkok Mezzanine-Floor: 13.30-14.40] Mengikuti Sesi #17 Diskusi Panel: "Coordination of Education 2030 at the National and Sub-national levels." 
[Sathorn #1, Anantara Suthorn Bangkok Mezzanine-Floor: 15.10-16.20] Mengikuti Sesi #18 Diskusi Panel: "The role of civil society organizations (CSOs) in realizing Education 2030." 
[Sathorn #1, Anantara Suthorn Bangkok Mezzanine-Floor: 16.20-16.50] Mengikuti Sesi #19 Plenary: "Next Steps." 
[Sathorn #1, Anantara Suthorn Bangkok Mezzanine-Floor: 16.50-17.10] Mengikuti Sesi #20 Penutupan.

Sabtu, 28 November 2015 | 16 Safar 1437
[Garuda Indonesia #GA865: 06.35-10.05] Penerbangan dari Bandara Antarbangsa Suvarnabhumi Bangkok, Thailand (BKK) ke Terminal 2E Bandara Antarbangsa Soekarno-Hatta Cengkareng (CGK).

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