Keynote Speech
Asia Pacific 2008
Ladies and Gentlemens,
Participants of Microsoft Government Leader Forum
Assalamu’alaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh
May God Bless Us All
Regarding the mandate of the 4th UUD'45 Chapter XIII Amendment, regarding Education and Culture, Paragraph 31 Verse (1) that “All Citizen has the right to get Education”, and also emphasized at Verse (2) that “All Citizen have the obligation to have a basic education and the government has to finance this”. Furthermore, the government which in this case is the Ministry of Education of
Education is a matter of chance given, because basically all human has the same potential without looking at the social status, economy or even cultural. If they get the chance, some or even all the potential they have can be very valuable.
But, looking at the size of geo politic map of
Therefore to answer all the challenges and barriers that we are facing, through the National Education Strategic Plan of year 2005-2009, Minister of Education of the Republic of Indonesia has determined 3 pillar of wisdom: (1) Expansion and equity of education access; (2) Improvement of quality, relevance, and competitiveness of education; (3) Strengthen of governance, accountability and public image of education.
In the mean time, we are living in 21st century where globalism happening as indicated by convergence of ICT which allows everybody to become their own individual writer, to access writing material from all over the world, and working together, regardless of distance among them. Everything is in digital format.
The competition takes place in more individual rather than among countries or companies. They even not only can compete with others in this planet, but also work and collaborate together.
Ladies and Gentlemen
One initiative that the Ministry believes to contribute to solve an education challenge (access and quality) and in order to prepare
1. Provide access to quality education for all Indonesian people.
- Connect minimum half of its research center,
- Achieve 50% of national e-literacy.
Ladies and Gentlemen
To reach maximum use of ICT in education, Ministry of National Education agree explore ICT in form of; the full utilization of network for access to all, to develop content and enrich the teaching and learning experience, and build solution for administration and content management as part of good governance initiative.
To provide wide access to education, Ministry of National Education of the Republik of Indonesia fully utilize communication network available in the country. The project has been start since 2006 under the flagship name of national education Network - Jardiknas (Jaringan Pendidikan Nasional) using fiber optic, cable, radio, VSAT-IP/Broadband, and VSAT/SCPC.
Until end of 2007, Jardiknas has connect of more than education office (OfficeNet) 865 nodes; school (SchoolNet) 10.000 nodes; Higher Education (INHERENT) 319 nodes. Higher Education (Inherent) consists of 83 State Universities, 200
In year 2009, Jardiknas is expected to reach, 1.489 nodes for Higher Education (55% of total universities), 27.297 nodes for school (almost all Senior Secondary School, all Vocational School and 47% Junior Secondary School) and 10.000 nodes for StudentNet, TeacherNet and LectureNet.
With the average number of computer reach 40 unit office zone, 200 unit in higher education zone, 40 unit in school zone, dan 1 unit in personal zone, around 1,43 million computers will be connected in this network by 2009.
With the capacity (bandwith) of Jardiknas that will reach 3.9 Gbps (Giga Bit per second), and with the capacity of data center storage that will reach 15 TB (Terra Byte) by 2009, Jardiknas can handle about 50.000 modules.
To serve 39.715 nodes connections and 1.43 million users, a good organization management is required. Therefore, in addition to the central management, every educational office (province and districts/cities) will be handled by minimally 4 (four) officers: 1 Person In Charge, 1 Coordinator, 1 Technician, and 1 Helpdesk Technician.
For this reason, it is imperative for MOE to guard, secure and use the largest intranet in the country through international standard multilevel and sustainable training.
Ladies and Gentlemen
National Education Network as content provider for e-administration has been fully utilize for inter zone communication and data sharing of transparent, accountable and real time performance report. E-administration using Management Information System consist of 14 different application to provide application for (1) Finance, (2) Planning, (3) Human Resources, (4) Government Property, (5) School Rehabilitation, (6) Internal Control, (7) Student, Teacher and School Database, (8) Secretariat General, (9) Inspectorate General, (10) Research and Development Services, (11) Higher Education, (12) Quality Improvement of Teachers and Education Staff, dan (14) Informal and Non-Formal Education. The so called MOE MIS is aim to strengthen Ministry of National Education’ Decision Support System.
In addition, National Education Network or Jardiknas is served as a vehicle to disseminate national policy on education namely on National Examination (Ujian Nasional), Subject Matter based Curriculum (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan, KTSP), Educational Institution, Teacher Certification and others.
As content provider, Jardiknas provide access for online transaction and science transformation through online tutorial, clearing house for exam material, online testing,
As part of the effort to enrich the content, the Ministry welcomes the initiative from Curriki and Skool’s Intel to be available through Jardiknas for all the users.
Ladies and Gentlemen
To strengthen ICT management in Ministry of National Education and provide better services of Jardiknas, several programs have been underway in this 2008 fiscal year. This ICT’ program development and utilization for basic education teaching and learning process include: (1) The development of national ICT Master Plan which include the preparation of ministerial decree on the use of e-education, action plan and budget proposal. (2) setting up a Government Interoperability Framework/GIF which consist of: study on interconnectivity, providing learning content, e-Book application development, and e-Bursa application. (3) Preparing Public Service Standard for government institution which include: IT Governance manual book and ICT management to increase Jardiknas services. And (4) the development of Jardiknas Control System and Services, in form of: Data Center’ procurement and installation, Network Operating Center (NOC), Master Control Unit (MCU) for Video Conference, additional Video Conference, and improving network security system.
By strengthening this ministry’ ICT governance, bureaucracy, coordination, and consolidation between Ministry of National Education and its regional offices in 33 provinces, 456 cities/regencies, and 216 MOE units can be more effective and efficient.
The Jardiknas project develops also E-Book for content provider. Project E-Book is considered as a form of reformation in publishing. Ministry buys the rights from writers or publishers to be uploading it and make it available for free thorough Jardiknas. The downloaded book can be print, distribute and publish or even sell with the price no more than highest distribution price (Harga Eceran Tertinggi, HET) of Rp 4.500 to Rp 14.000 (US$ 0,5 – 1,0).
In this August 2008, Ministry of National Education plan to acquire the rights of more than 250 titles. With this initiative, book can be available in more affordable price.
As part of this initiative, MOE also initiate a clearing house project for science paper under the project of e-Bursa. E-Bursa is a knowledge center where people can share knowledge in better, fair and trusted way. With this project, writer and researcher can be motivated to produce a quality scientific paper, which in return can inspire others to share and take benefit of the science and technology. 7 world class universities and 4 state universities member of National ICT Committee and several association in education will take part in this initial stage.
To support the leadership in making the right decision, the ministry also develops an integrated solution as part of Decision Support System (DSS). The system will support leadership with accurate and real time data which cover data and information on MOE policy, direction, and Online Report System. Through this system, a transparent, accountable, and real-time governance of MOE can be achieved.
Ladies and Gentlemen
In addition to National Education Network (Jardiknas) to provide education stakeholder with transparent, accountable and quality education, Ministry aired a 24 hours learning material through its own operate television services, called Televisi Edukasi (TVE) in 2004. TVE broadcast through satellite to reach outer area of Indonesia using satellite disc (TVRO), national TV, local TV, dan cable TV, in schools, higher education, and home.
Content material covers 4 segments of education, namely (1) Formal, (2) Non-Formal, (3) Informal, and (4) education information with its interactive program to prepare students in facing national examination, such as Bincang Cerdas (Smart Discussion), Kreatifnya Anak Indonesia (Creative and Smart Indonesia Children), English Corner, e-Flash, and periodic quiz of Kita Harus Belajar (Ki Hajar), interactive program of Math, English, and Bahasa Indonesia. The programs are also available in disc format so viewers in remote are can follow the program. Since 2006, the ministry has distribute of more than 67.618 TV units, 27.483 DVD Player, 17.148 satellite disc (TVRO) with 1.641 Generator for underserved are where electricity is not available. For 2008 fiscal year, another 1 channel dedicated for teacher will be available to accelerate the process of improvement of teacher’s qualification, competency, and certifications.
Ladies and Gentlemen
In 2007, the government allocated budget of Rp 892,4 Milyar (US$ 94 million) or 2,03% from total education budget for ICT portion and for this 2008, the number increase to Rp. 1,08 Trilyun (US$ 114,6 million).
In order to provide more access to the network of national Education Network and TVE down to the rural area, MOE invite Ministry of ICT to work closely to create a more conducive environment for technology and telecommunication provider to take part. Parallel to it, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources as also been invited to accelerate the extend of electricity network by inviting private partnership and national provider.
In order to make an affordable access, Ministry of Education invite private institution to work hand in hand under private and public partnership to ease government burden in proving a more affordable and reachable access.
We hope, through this program, all citizens can earn their rights to a better education as stipulated in Article 31 of 1945 National Law.
In closing, I would like to invite all the participants to use this forum as our global vehicle to build a 21st Century education through the use of smarter, qualified and manner ICT.
Wassalamu’alaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh
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