Sabtu, Februari 12, 2005

Inovasi Pendidikan Berbasis ICT di Indonesia

Kiranya tidak dapat kita pungkiri bahwa komputer dan internet telah menjadi pemicu tumbuhnya ICT sepesat ini. Demikian pula di Indonesia, dimana pendidikan baru menyentuh atmosfir ICT di penghujung dekade 1990-an. Disini kami sadari bahwa hal ini memang agak terlambat dibanding negara-negara tetangga kami. ICT memang menuntut kecakapan komunikasi global, sementara saat itu di Indonesia tidak banyak SDM yang memiliki kecakapan berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris dan mampu mengoperasikan komputer.

Inilah pekerjaan rumah tersulit kami di awal implementasi ICT di dunia pendidikan.
Sebagai departemen yang menangani hal-ihwal pendidikan di Republik Indonesia, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional merasa tertantang untuk menjawab situasi dan kondisi tersebut. Maka sebagai direktorat yang menangani sekolah-sekolah menengah kejuruan dan teknologi, akhirnya Direktorat Pendidikan Menengah Kejuruan mengambil inisiatif untuk menjemput tantangan tersebut dengan penuh semangat dan strategi.

Langkah pertama, kami membentuk mailing-list dikmenjur sebagai media informasi dan komunikasi internal Dikmenjur. Mailing-list ini diikuti oleh beberapa staf Dikmenjur, kepala sekolah dan guru SMK yang peduli dan memiliki talenta ICT. Mailing-list ini resmi dibentuk pada tanggal 5 Oktober 1999 (saat ini memiliki anggota 2000-an). [[email protected]]

Langkah kedua, kami mengakomodasi ide yang dikirim dan didiskusikan di mailing-list Dikmenjur. Maka pada bulan Agustus-September 2000, Direktorat Dikmenjur bekerjasama dengan ITB Bandung mengundang beberapa aktifis mailing-list Dikmenjur untuk mengikuti training Technical Support, Help Desk dan Web Design di PPPGT Bandung.

Langkah ketiga, berdasarkan pantauan dan seleksi pasca training ICT di PPPGT Bandung, maka pada hari Selasa, 2 Januari 2001 jam 17:47 PM (MST), Direktur Dikmenjur mengirim e-mail pribadi bersubyek: Team Percepatan Internetisasi v1.2 kepada beberapa guru eks peserta training Technical Support, Help Desk dan Web Design yang dinilai memiliki karakter dan talenta kuat untuk mengembangkan Pendidikan berbasis ICT. Kelak tim kecil inilah yang banyak mendukung program-program ICT Dikmenjur secara praktis maupun strategis.

Dikmenjur bersama Tim ICT-nya (dulu Team Percepatan Internetisasi v 1.2) telah melakukan berbagai inovasi ICT berkelanjutan di berbagai bidang pendidikan. Beberapa diantaranya dapat kami paparkan berikut ini.

Di bidang sumber daya manusia, kami telah…

(1) membuka program tandem SMK Teknologi Informasi (SMK-TI) yang mulai dilaksanakan pada tahun 2000. Program ini dilaksanakan di SMK yang memiliki SDM potensial dan sumber daya sarana TI yang memadai. Siswa yang berminat dapat mengikuti diklat TI seusai jam pelajaran regular. Diklat dirancang dengan pola 200 jam dan diakhir diklat dilaksanakan uji kompetensi oleh Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB).

(2) membentuk Jaringan Informasi Sekolah (JIS) di beberapa kota atau kabupaten mulai tahun 2001, JIS ini merupakan kumpulan guru-guru SMP, SMA dan SMK yang memiliki potensi di bidang hardware, software dan network. Pada umumnya JIS memiliki mailing-list sebagai sarana berbagi pengalaman dan diskusi tentang ICT. Saat ini puluhan JIS tumbuh diberbagai kota, beberapa diantaranya kelak menjadi embrio program WAN Kota.

(3) menyelenggarakan crash program D4 dan S2 Teknologi Informasi. Program ini dibuka pada tahun 2002-2004 dan diikuti oleh guru-guru SMK yang terseleksi dan sangat potensial di bidang ICT. D4-TI diselenggarakan atas kerjama dengan Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS) di Surabaya, sedangkan S2-TI diselenggarakan atas kerjasama dengan Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) di Bandung.

Di bidang sumber daya sarana dan prasarana, kami telah…

(1) membangun Jaringan Komputer dan Internet (Jarnet). Program yang dimulai pada tahun 2001 ini bertujuan untuk membantu SMK yang sudah memiliki laboratorium komputer namun belum memiliki jaringan komputer dan koneksi internet. Dengan subsidi ini SMK akan memiliki LAN yang menjaring 1 unit PC Server dan 10 unit PC Client.

(2) mengembangkan Wide Area Network di dalam kota (WAN Kota). Program ini dikembangkan mulai tahun 2003 di beberapa kota yang telah memiliki JIS aktif. WAN Kota memungkinkan terbentuknya jaringan komputer nirkabel antar sekolah melalui medium frekuensi radio 2,4 GHz (WiFi). Salah satu SMK menjadi sentral WAN Kota, dimana Server Web, Mail, Database, dan E-learning serta Base Transceiver Station (BTS) berada. WAN Kota memberikan fasilitas intranet dan internet kepada sekolah-sekolah yang menjadi client-nya. Saat ini ada WAN Kota yang memiliki 36 client yang terdiri dari: SMK, SMA, SMP, VEDC, Universitas, dan Kantor Walikota. []

(3) membangun Pusat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (ICT Center). Program ini dikembangkan mulai tahun 2004 di beberapa kota yang telah memiliki WAN Kota aktif. ICT Center memiliki fasilitas 1 laboratorium komputer, 1 ruang konferensi multimedia dan 1 perpustakaan digital. Laboratorium komputer dan ruang konferensi multimedia masing-masing difasilitasi 1 unit PC Server, 20 unit PC Client, 1 unit LCD Projector, dan 1 buah Handycam. Sedangkan perpustakaan digital difasilitasi 1 unit PC Server dan 10 unit PC Client. ICT Center dirancang sebagai prasarana dan sarana diklat ICT bagi guru-guru TK, SD, SMP, SMA, SMK, SLB, MI, MTs, dan MA di kota tersebut. Sebagai sentral, ICT Center juga melayani 3 buah SMK Sister (client WAN Kota, berada pada radius 5 km dari Sentral) dalam program Distance Learning dengan menggunakan sistem televideo conference.

(4) menyiapkan Mobile Training Unit ICT (MTU-ICT). Program ini dikembangkan mulai tahun 2004 di kabupaten yang memiliki kecamatan-kecamatan terpencil dan telah memiliki JIS aktif. MTU-ICT merupakan mobil van yang dilengkapi laboratorium komputer dengan fasilitas 1 unit Notebook Server, 20 unit Notebook Client, 1 unit LCD Projector, dan 1 buah handycam. Di dalam mobil van juga dilengkapi 1 buah Telepon CDMA untuk koneksi dial-up internet dan 1 unit Acces Point (WiFi) 2,4 GHz sebagai Hot-Spot. Seperti halnya ICT Center, MTU-ICT ini juga dirancang sebagai prasarana dan sarana diklat ICT bagi guru-guru TK, SD, SMP, SMA, SMK, SLB, MI, MTs, dan MA di kecamatan-kecamatan terpencil.

(5) membangun Radio Pendidikan. Program ini dikembangkan mulai tahun 2004 di beberapa kota yang telah memiliki JIS aktif. Radio Pendidikan ini menggunakan frekuensi FM dengan kekuatan jangkauan siar minimum 10 km-an. Segmen pendengar radio ini adalah guru dan siswa TK hingga SMA, karenanya program-program acaranya disusun sesuai kebutuhan mata diklat yang diajarkan di sekolah. Konsep radio ini education and entertainment (edutainment). Bagi kota yang telah memiliki WAN Kota, maka Radio Pendidikan ini dapat juga diintegrasikan dengan infrastruktur dan web portal WAN Kota sebagai media komunikasi kepada pendengarnya.

Di bidang kurikulum, kami telah menyusun dan menerbitkan…

(1) Kurikulum tandem SMK-TI: meliputi program keahlian Technical Support (TS), Web Design (WD) dan Help Desk (HD) tahun 1999.

(2) Kurikulum SMK Edisi 1999: program keahlian Teknik Informasi Komersial di bawah bidang keahlian Elektronika.

(3) Kurikulum SMK Edisi 2004: program keahlian Teknik Komputer Jaringan, Rancangan Perangkat Lunak, dan Multimedia di bawah bidang keahlian Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi tahun 2004.

Di bidang sistem pendidikan, kami telah mengembangkan…

(1) web seleksi penerimaan siswa baru (PSB Online). Web ini dikembangkan mulai tahun 2002. Fungsi utama web ini adalah menyeleksi calon siswa baru di sebuah sekolah berdasarkan data nilai ujian nasional. Disini calon siswa baru dapat memilih beberapa sekolah sekaligus dengan skala prioritas yang dikehendaki. Kemudian secara otomatis program akan menguji data nilai yang bersangkutan dengan ribuan data nilai calon siswa baru lainnya. Jika data nilai yang bersangkutan kalah berkompetisi di sekolah pilihan I, maka secara otomatis program akan menguji data nilai tersebut di sekolah pilihan II dan seterusnya. Hasil seleksi akan diumumkan secara real time melalui web, sehingga orang tua dan calon siswa baru dapat memantau posisi terakhir di sekolah mana calon yang bersangkutan diterima (terseleksi). Web PSB Online ini terbukti berjalan aman, fair, transparan, jujur, dan demokratis. []

(2) web portal pemetaan sekolah (School Mapping). Web ini dikembangkan mulai tahun 2004. Fungsi utama web ini adalah sebagai pusat data dan informasi pendidikan di Indonesia. Data-data pada web ini di-import dari 416 Tim School Mapping yang tersebar di seluruh kabupaten/kota di Indonesia. Tim School Mapping dikoordinir oleh seorang guru SMK terlatih dan beranggotakan 20-an siswa SMK sebagai operator. []

Di bidang pengabdian masyarakat, kami melibatkan guru-guru dan siswa-siswi SMK terlatih sebagai koordinator simpul provinsi, koordinator subsimpul kabupaten/kota, supervisor dan operator kecamatan pada kegiatan…

(1) data entry hasil penghitungan suara (Situng Pemilu) pemilihan legislatif (5 April 2004), pemilihan presiden putaran 1 (5 Juli 2004) dan putaran 2 (20 September 2004) di seluruh Indonesia (bekerjasama dengan IT-KPU Indonesia).

(2) data entry hasil pemetaan sekolah (School Mapping) di seluruh Indonesia (bekerjasama dengan Departmen Pendidikan Nasional).

Kami sadar bahwa tidak ada kata berhenti di dalam kamus inovasi, apalagi inovasi di bidang pendidikan yang berbasis ICT. Namun kami optimis dan bangga, karena Tim ICT kami telah mencetak generasi II yang merata di seluruh provinsi. Oleh karena itu kami tetap pada komitmen untuk mencerdaskan bangsa melalui inovasi ICT.

Di bidang sumber daya manusia, kami akan menyelenggarakan crash program D4 spesialis Teknik Komputer Jaringan, Rancang Perangkat Lunak, Multimedia, Animasi, dan Teknik Penyiaran Radio & Televisi pada tahun 2005.

Di bidang sumber daya sarana dan prasarana, kami akan membangun…

(1) Koneksi Internet antar SMK seluruh Indonesia [SMK Internet Exchange] pada tahun 2005

(2) Jaringan Wirausaha antar SMK seluruh Indonesia [SMK Enterpreneur Network] pada tahun 2005

(3) Jaringan Ekonomi [Bisnis] antar SMK seluruh Indonesia [SMK Incorporated] pada tahun 2006.

Di bidang kurikulum, kami akan menyusun dan menerbitkan Suplemen Kurikulum SMK Edisi 2004: program keahlian Animasi di bawah bidang keahlian Seni Rupa dan Teknik Penyiaran Radio & Televisi di bawah bidang keahlian Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi pada tahun 2005.

Di bidang sistem pendidikan, pada tahun 2005 yang akan datang kami akan mengembangkan…
(1) web portal uji kompetensi siswa SMK
(2) web portal bursa kerja tamatan SMK
(3) web katalog produk dan jasa unggulan SMK

Di bidang pengabdian masyarakat, pada tahun 2005-2006 yang datang kami akan kembali melibatkan guru-guru dan siswa-siswi SMK terlatih sebagai koordinator simpul provinsi, koordinator subsimpul kabupaten/kota, supervisor dan operator kecamatan pada kegiatan…
(1) data entry hasil monitoring dan evaluasi proyek-proyek Broad Based Education – Life Skill (BBE-LS) di seluruh Indonesia
(2) data entry hasil akreditasi sekolah di seluruh Indonesia
(3) data entry hasil penghitungan suara Pemilihan Bupati/Walikota 2005
(4) data entry hasil penghitungan suara Pemilihan Gubernur 2006

Kemitraan dalam mengembangkan Pendidikan Berbasis ICT menjadi bagian yang penting dalam perjalanan kami, karenanya kami menjalin kerjasama dengan beberapa vendor hardware, vendor software, provider internet, operator telekomunikasi, operator selular, dan pihak-pihak lain yang berkomitmen pada pengembangan ICT di Indonesia. Salah satu mitra terbaik kami adalah Microsoft Indonesia.

Dalam catatan kami, Microsoft Indonesia telah banyak mendukung usaha kami, antara lain berwujud (1) bantuan komputer, (2) bantuan software, (3) bantuan training untuk guru-guru SMK, (4) konsultasi dan validasi penyusunan materi mata diklat Keterampilan Komputer dan Pengelolaan Informasi (KKPI) serta program keahlian Rancangan Perangkat Lunak (RPL) pada Kurikulum SMK Edisi 2004.

Adapun langkah kongkret yang akan kami laksanakan bersama Microsoft Indonesia mulai tahun 2005 nanti adalah program Partners in Learning dalam wujud paket:
(1) Partner in Learning Grant berupa bantuan sumber daya training ICT bagi puluhan ribu guru.
(2) School Agreement Subscription Licensing Program berupa legalisasi Windows XP dan Office 2003 untuk puluhan ribu PC/Notebook sekolah.

Melalui program ‘Partner in Learning’ ini diharapkan setiap guru dapat (1) membuat materi pemelajaran dengan Microsoft Word, (2) membuat daftar nilai dan evaluasi pemelajaran dengan Microsoft Excel, (3) membuat media pemelajaran dengan Microsoft PowerPoint, (4) menggali dan mengelola informasi dengan Internet Explorer, (5) mengelola kelas dengan NetMeeting, Windows Media Player dan Messenger, dan (6) mengenal dan memahami Hak atas Kekayaan Intelektual.

Sementara target yang ingin kami capai dari Training ICT bagi guru selama 4 tahun kedepan adalah sebagai berikut:
- Tahun 2005: 10% dapat bekerja dengan komputer
- Tahun 2006: 20% dapat bekerja dengan komputer + 5% dapat membuat modul pemelajaran berbasis multimedia
- Tahun 2007: 40% dapat bekerja dengan komputer + 10% dapat membuat modul pemelajaran berbasis multimedia + 5% dapat membuat media e-learning berbasis web di internet
- Tahun 2008: 60% dapat bekerja dengan komputer + 25% dapat membuat modul pemelajaran berbasis multimedia + 10% dapat membuat media pemelajaran berbasis web di internet + 5% dapat mengelola sistem kelas jarak jauh berbasis ICT (multimedia, web, radio, televisi,)

Seiring peningkatan angka pertumbuhan kemampuan guru bekerja dengan komputer dan internet, maka diperkirakan angka kebutuhan PC/Notebook dan bandwidth internet bagi guru di Indonesia juga akan meningkat secara signifikan. Disisi lain kita berharap pasar PC, Notebook, Operating System, Application Program, dan Peripheral dapat merespon positif dengan ketersediaan dan harga yang relatif murah dan terjangkau. Demikian pula kita berharap pada layanan internet yang berjangkauan luas hingga meliputi seluruh wilayah kepulauan Indonesia.

Namun demikian, subsidi bukanlah solusi untuk mewujudkan impian 1 guru - 1 komputer. Oleh karena itu kita berharap adanya peningkatan gaji guru yang proporsional, sehingga guru-guru memiliki kemampuan untuk membeli sebuah PC atau Notebook, berlangganan internet, membeli buku-buku dan berlangganan majalah atau jurnal yang menunjang profesi dan karirnya.

Disisi lain masih kami dapati kenyataan yang kurang kondusif dalam pengembangan pendidikan berbasis ICT, antara lain…
- anggaran pendidikan baru mencapai 5%, belum mencapai 20% sebagaimana yang dianggarkan pada RABPN
- beberapa kepulauan belum tersentuh aliran listrik dan saluran telekomunikasi yang diperlukan dalam implementasi ICT
- kekurangan ‘content’ web e-learning lebih banyak disebabkan karena ketidakbisaan guru menggunakan komputer sebagai alat bantu dalam pembuatan modul pemelajaran dan pembuatan program evaluasi
- ketidaksinambungan sebuah inovasi akibat ketidaksiapan SDM
- pengembangan pendidikan berbasis ICT masih terpusat di jenjang SMA dan SMK, belum merata di TK, SD, SMP, SLB, MI, MTs, dan MA
- polarisasi pengembangan ICT di K-12: disatu sisi pengembangan infrastruktur ICT menguat di SMK, sedangkan di sisi lainnya pengembangan content ICT menguat di SMA

Demikian apa yang telah, sedang dan akan kami kembangkan di Indonesia. Kami sadar bahwa mengembangkan pendidikan berbasis ICT harus dikuti dengan itikad baik mengakui Hak atas Kekayaan Intelektual, sesungguhnya bukan karena adanya tekanan dari pihak manapun, melainkan karena kewajiban kami untuk mentaati Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 19 Tahun 2002 tentang Hak Cipta.

Kami akui bahwa lembaga pendidikan termasuk pihak yang turut mengawali kegiatan penggandaan software secara ilegal di Indonesia, maka dari lembaga pendidikan pulalah kami harus mengakhirinya secara serius, tegas, gradual, dan sistemik. Kami berharap kemitraan yang telah terjalin akan berkesinambungan dan membawa kemanfaatan bersama dalam bidang pendidikan di Indonesia.

Demikian apa yang telah, sedang dan akan kami lakukan, semoga paparan ini dapat menjadi referensi bagi kita semua.

Kwarta Adimphrana
Guru SMK Negeri 4 Malang
Tim ICT Dikmenjur
Anggota Dewan Penasehat Manajer Pendidikan Microsoft Indonesia

(Singapura, 12 November 2004)

Education Innovative Based on ICT in Indonesia

For this honorable occasion, please allow me share some of our experience in developing ICT in Indonesia, especially about the progress and the plan.

Computer and Internet present on our lives are unavoidable these days. In fact, our lives have been stimulated by the present of such technology. In Indonesia, ICT for education is first introduced at the end of 1990. Even though, we still consider ourselves were being late to utilize the technology, especially if compared to other country in South East Asia. Our human resources faced even much more basic problem such us English proficiency which widely used in computer technology, not to mentioned some adequate skill and knowledge on basic computer. This is our hardest homework to begin implementing ICT in education in Indonesia.

Our Progress

Department of National Education realizes that to overcome such problem requires a lot of effort and investment. However, the small step should be taken to start the long journey.

Having realized this, the Directorate of Vocational and Technical Education and Training (Dikmenjur) as one of the office within Ministry of National Education directly related to the use of technology in education, took the initiative to meet up the challenge. The directorate comes up with several strategic initiatives that will bring ICT awareness among the education stakeholder. Among the initiatives is the setting up of a mailing list as a medium for communication for all teachers, principal, students and officials. All the members are encouraged to have individual email address for their identity. Through this initiative, teacher and students must learn such technology in order to allow them to receive information given by ministry’s official as well as sharing experience by other fellow educator. Today, the mailing list has about 3600 members since October 5, 1999.

The mailing list experience generate more demand on the need to a have better education and more structure schedule. In cooperation with the leading technology institute in the country, ITB, the directorate signs an agreement to educate potential teacher to learn more on ICT. Number of teachers has been sent to the institute to pursue some degree in ICT field. As for the selection, the directorate make announcement only through its mailing list and select them among the active members. The program started in the month of August and September 2000. Later on, more scheduled training was set up in each Technical Education and Development Center that serves as teacher training center to provide training on Technical Support, Help Desk and Web Design.

Later, several active members in the mailing list and graduates from the training program with highly skill and knowledge in computer were assigned as consultant to formulate a strategy to widely use of ICT in education. Their first agenda is how to accelerate the use of internet among vocational high school (SMK) across the country as main solution for wide spread geography.

The Dikmenjur together with their ICT Team (formerly Team of Internet Acceleration V1.2) had done several innovation of advance ICT in some field of education. Some of them are as follows:

In the field of human resource development, we have:

  1. opened a program of Information Technology on Vocational High School (SMK-TI), which has been implementing on the year of 2000. These programs were done at SMK that has human resources potential and IT resources sufficient. The students who are willing to participant this IT course can joint this after their regular school time. This course is intended with a 200 hours program and at the last program; the students will meet the examination or test of competences by ITB Bandung.
  2. developed a network of school information (JIS) in several cities or regencies start on 2001, this JIS constitute the club of K-12 teachers who are generally having a potential ability in hardware, software and network field. In general JIS has own mailing list as a mean of tools for several experiences and discussion about ICT. For this moment, JIS sprout up in several cities, some if they became on embryo program of WAN Kota.
  3. implemented 4th Diploma (D4-TI) and 2nd Strata/Master Degree of information technology (S2-TI) crash program. This program were opened on 2002-2004 and followed by SMK’s teachers, which were selected and potential in the field of ICT. D4-TI are implemented on the basic good cooperation with ITS (Technology Institute of November 10th) in Surabaya, where as S2-TI are implemented on the basic good cooperation with the ITB (Technology Institute of Bandung) in Bandung.
  4. implemented 4th Diploma of Computer Network Technical (D4-TKJ) and 1st Diploma of Animation (D1-Animasi), these programs were opened on 2003-2006 and followed by SMK’s teachers. These are implemented on the basic good cooperation with the ITB.

On the field of structure and infrastructure resources, we have:

  1. developed computer network and internet (Jarnet). This program was started on 2001. This is for helping SMK who has not yet had local area network (LAN) and internet connection. With this help, this SMK will have LAN, which will pick up in a 1 unit of PC Server and 10 unit of PC Client.
  2. expanded Wide Area Network in the City (WAN Kota). This program was expanded on 2003 in several cities that had an active JIS. The WAN Kota is probably to build computer network wireless between schools through radio frequency medium 2.4 GHz (WiFi). One of SMK being as central of WAN Kota, where as Web, Mail, Database, and E-learning Server with Base Transceiver Station (BTS) took place. WAN Kota gives intranet and internet service to some schools, which become their clients. For the moment there is a WAN Kota that has 36 clients are consist of Junior High School, Senior High School, Vocational High School, University, VEDC and Mayor Office. []
  3. built an ICT Center. This program has been being expanded since on 2004 in several cities that is having active WAN Kota. ICT Center own, 1-computer laboratory facilities, one multimedia conference room and one digital library. Computer laboratory and multimedia conference room each has a 1 unit of PC Server, 20 unit of PC Client, 1 unit of LCD Projector, and 1 unit of Handy camera. Where as digital library is facilitate with one unit of PC Server, 10 unit of PC Client. ICT Center is plan as infrastructure and structure of ICT training for kindergarten (TK/RA), elementary school (SD), junior high school (SMP), senior high school (SMA), vocational high school (SMK), extraordinary school (SLB), Islamic elementary school (MI), Islamic junior high school (MTs), Islamic senior high school (MA), and Islamic boarding school teachers (Pesantren) in this city. As a central, ICT Center also serves three SMKs (WAN Kota client, exist in 5 km form central) in the program of distance learning with using of televideo conference system.
  4. prepared a Mobile Training Unit of ICT (MTU-ICT). This program has been being expanded since on 2004 in regency that has isolated district and already had active JIS. MTU-ICT constitute computer laboratory on the van with facility there are 1 unit of Notebook Server, 20 unit of Notebook Client, 1 unit of LCD Projector, and 1 unit of Handy camera. On the van, also complete with one unit of CDMA telephone to dial up internet connection and one unit of Access Point (WiFi) 2.4 GHz as hot spot. As usual, ICT Center also planned as infrastructure and structure of ICT training for TK/RA, SD, SMP, SMA, SMK, SLB, MI, MTs, MA, and Pesantren teachers at isolated district area.
  5. built an Education Radio (Radio Edukasi). This program has been being expanded since on 2004 in several cities that have already owned active JIS. Education Radio used FM frequency with the power of minimum length broadcast for about 10 km. The radio listener’s segment are teachers and students of TK to SMA/SMK, which is why the agenda of their programs is arranged for the need of training field that are taught at school. This radio concept is education and entertainment (edutainment). The Education Radio can also be integrated with infrastructure and web portal WAN Kota as a communication media for the listener, especially for the city which has WAN Kota.
  6. built a Relay Station and Mini Studio of Education TV (TV Edukasi). This developing program was started in 2005 in several cities. It used UHF or VHF frequencies with the power of maximum length broadcast for about 15 km. The TV watcher’s segment is students of Kindergarten up to College. This TV concept is education (80%) and entertainment (20%).
  7. developed Cyber City. This program was started on 2006 in several cities that have already owned active WAN (Wide Area Network) of Education, such as in Jakarta, Bandung (West Java), Yogyakarta, Solo (Central Java), and Malang (East Java) which are on Java Island. It has been developing through management synergy of Education Radio Broadcast, Education TV Broadcast, Knowledge, Network, and Web. In the future we will connect all Cyber Cities in a wireless intranet which is supported by WiMax technology. This program is inspired from “Backpack.Net” program in Singapore.

On the field of curriculum, we have already arranged and published:

  1. IT Tandem Program on SMK (SMK-TI): Technical Support (TS), Help Desk (HD) and Web Design (WD) course on 1999.
  2. SMK’s Curriculum 1999 Edition. The competence is Commercial Information Technology under Electronic Program.
  3. SMK’s Curriculum 2004 Edition. The competencies are Network Computer Technical, Software Engineering, and Multimedia under ICT Program.
  4. Supplement of SMK’s Curriculum 2004 Edition: Animation (under Appearance Art Program) and Radio-Television Broadcasting Technology (under ICT Program) on the 2005.

On the field of educational system, we have already developed:

  1. Web of New Student Selection and Enrollment (PSB Online). This developing web was begun on 2002. First priority of this web is candidate student selection at school based on national examination grade. Here a candidate can choose several schools with priority scale. Afterward, this program will automatically try out the grade relevant with the other candidate grade. If the grade relevant loose competition at the first school chooses, so automatically this program will try out that grade at the second school choice. Selection result will be announced real-time trough web, so parents and candidate can look at the last position where they are received (select), this PSB Online web prove that pass is secure, fair, transparency, honest, and democracy. []
  2. Web portal of School Mapping. This developing web was begun on 2004. This web first priority is Education Data and Information Center in Indonesia. That data on this web import from 416 School Mapping Team that spread all regency/city in Indonesia. School Mapping Team is coordinated by expert vocational high school teacher and 20 students as operator. []

On the public service sector, we involve teacher and student of vocational high school as province coordinator, regency/city coordinator, supervisor, and district operator on activity:

  1. Entry data of election result (Situng Pemilu) on parliament election (April 5th, 2004), first round president and vice president election (July 5th, 2004) and second round president and vice president election (September 20th, 2004) in Indonesia (cooperate with IT-KPU Indonesia).
  2. Entry data of school mapping result in all Indonesia (cooperate with Department of National Education).

Our Plans

We realized that never say stop on the dictionary of innovation, more over in innovation on the educational area with ICT base. However, we are optimized and proud, because our ICT Team has already created the second generation that average in all provinces. Because of that we are always on commitment to develop nation mind by ICT innovation.

On the field of structure and infrastructure resources, we will develop:

  1. SMK’s Entrepreneur Network (SMK-EN) on the 2007.
  2. SMK’s Incorporated (SMK-Inc) on the 2008.

On the field of educational system, we will develop: Web portal of job exchange for SMK graduated (BKK Online) on 2007.

On the public service sector, we will back involve teacher and student of vocational high school as province coordinator, regency/city coordinator, supervisor, and district operator on Entry data of election result for governor of province on 2007.

Partnership on the developing education based ICT is a part of our important journey, that is the reason why we want to be a partnership with several hardware vendor, software vendor, internet provider, telecommunication operator, cellular operator, and another party that have commitment on the ICT development in Indonesia. The one of our best partner is Microsoft Indonesia.

On our report, Microsoft Indonesia has already carried as our job, they are:

  1. Training supports for the teacher K-12 (Partner in Learning Grants Program)
  2. PC supports (Fresh Starts for Donated Computers)
  3. Software supports (School Agreement Subscription Licensing Program)
  4. Validation and consultation arrange on subjects of (1) Computer skill and Information Processing, and (2) Software Engineering at SMK’s Curriculum 2004 Edition.

Even though concrete step that we will do with Microsoft Indonesia begin 2005, our Microsoft Partner in Learning program are:

  1. Licensing of Windows XP and Office 2003 for school PCs/Notebooks with orderly School Agreement Subscription Licensing Program on 2004.
  2. The ICT Training for the teachers with orderly Microsoft Partner in Learning grant on 2005.
  3. The Microsoft IT Academy for ICT Center with orderly Microsoft Partner in Learning grant on 2006.

By this Microsoft Partner in Learning (PIL) program, we hope every teacher will be able to:

  1. operate PC, manage files and work in computer’s network.
  2. make Lesson Plan with Microsoft Word.
  3. make List and Graphic of Mark with Microsoft Excel.
  4. search learning material and education information on internet with Internet Explorer.
  5. scan picture with Microsoft Office Document Scanning
  6. scan text with Microsoft Office Document Imaging (OCR).
  7. montage and present Lesson Topic with Microsoft PowerPoint
  8. make, write, send, receive, edit, and reply e-mail according netiquette with Web Mail application.
  9. make interactive teaching-learning with Messenger application.

Below is the Table of Teacher and Student in Indonesia year 2004/2005:

Level of Education










Elementary School





Junior High School





Senior High School





Vocational High School





Extraordinary School





Islamic Elementary School





Islamic Junior High School





Islamic Senior High School





Islamic Boarding School







For the moment, our ultimate goals from ICT teacher training trough Peer Coaching Program for 4 years ahead are as follow:

  • In 2007: 10% teachers can work with computer.
  • In 2008: 25% teachers can work with computer, 10% teachers can make a learning module based on multimedia.
  • In 2009: 45% teachers can work with computer, 15% teachers can make a learning module based on multimedia, 5% teachers can make a learning media based on web in internet.
  • In 2010: 65% teachers can work with computer, 20% teachers can make a learning module based on multimedia, 10% teachers can make a learning media based on web in internet, and 5% teachers can manage for distance learning (class) system based on ICT (Multimedia, Web, Radio, and Television).

Along with the increasing number of developing ability of the teachers working with computer and internet, it will be forecasted the number of demanding PC/Notebook and internet bandwidth for the teachers in Indonesia will be increasing significantly. Beside that, we hope that market of PC, Notebook, Operating System, Application Program, and Peripheral can be a positive respons with the existing and the price relatively cheap and can be bought by everybody. We are hope internet service providers can cover whole archipelago in Indonesia.

Subsidizing is not the only solution to create the dreaming for one teacher - one computer. Because of that, we hope that there is an increasing salary for teacher proportionally, so teacher are able to buy 1 unit PC or Notebook, pay internet, buy books, and subscribe magazine or journal which will be helpful for their profession and carrier.

Beside that, we still find the fact that is less conducive in developing education based on ICT, as...

  • The budget of education is only up to 10%, not 20% as mentioned at the National Budget.
  • Several islands do not have an electricity installation yet and telephone line that are important for ICT implementation.
  • The developing education based on ICT is still centralized in Senior High School and Vocational High School, not spread even in kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, extraordinary school, Islamic elementary school, Islamic junior high school, Islamic senior high school, and Islamic boarding school.

Those are what we have done. We have been doing and we will do developing in Indonesia. We are aware that developing education based on ICT should be followed by the goodwill to confess basic rights upon Intellectual Wealth, that is not because there is a pressure from other one, but there is goodwill from us to follow the Republic of Indonesia Regulation Number 19 Year 2002 about the Intellectual Ownership.

We confess that the education of institution belong to those who start doing illegal multiplication of software in Indonesia, so that from the education institution we should stop them seriously, explicitly and systematically. We hope partnership who has existed in good condition will be followed and being a goodness in the field of education. Thank you.

Kwarta Adimphrana

Teacher of Public Vocational High School 4 Malang

Member of ICT Dikmenjur Team
A. Jl.
Tanimbar 22 Malang 65117 Indonesia

T. +62-341-353798
F. +62-341-353798
M. +62-817-535404
E. [email protected]

(Singapore, 12nd November, 2004)
(Sawangan, Depok, 24th July 2006 - Updated)